What is Network marketing

Pros: low initial investment, huge potential
Cons: must overcome negative stigmas, many scams out there

Network marketing is an industry that allows individual entrepreneurs to team up with a company to market their products or services. The idea behind network marketing is for the company to eliminate the costs of marketing, advertising, sales, and distribution, allowing the consumer to take on these responsibilities if they choose.

Many highly respected companies such as AT&T, Direct TV, Gap, Amazon.com, Google, Apple Computer, Macy’s, Nordstrom, Travelocity, and tons more have started to borrow from the concepts of network marketing. These companies have realized that the impact of their multi-million dollar advertising budget pales in comparison to the power of word-of-mouth advertising. When I noticed this trend towards the network marketing method, I dropped my “no way” attitude and decided to investigate the traditional network marketing model.

Most people have very negative feelings about network marketing because there have been a lot of bad apples in the industry, especially early on. What these people don’t realize is how far the industry has evolved. A few of these companies have learned from past mistakes and rid themselves of many of the negative aspects of old-paradigm network marketing. If you can find the right network marketing company today, it is possible to build passive income without a lot of money and still keep your friends.

Have you ever recommended a great restaurant or movie to someone? Have you ever told someone where you found a really great buy? Did the restaurant, theatre, or store ever pay you for your referral? That is precisely what the new generation of network marketing companies is doing.

The good apples offer a wide variety of great products or services at a great price, meaning that you don’t have to refer people to make it worthwhile. Selling something that is expensive and unnecessary is hard, but recommending a product or service that is better and less expensive is easy.

The way to minimize your costs with network marketing is to find a company that has products that are already on your shopping list. Then, replace the products you are already buying and you have just started a business for nothing. You might even find a way to save money.

The new generation of companies handles all the inventory, paperwork, and sales for you; all you have to do is refer people and the company does the rest. It is truly amazing how simple the process really is. What’s that you say? You don’t want to bug all of your friends and family? Not a problem, smart networkers use the internet, or other forms of creative advertising to bring prospects to them.

The big money in network marketing is made when a referral decides to make a business out of it. Most companies pay referral fees not only on your referrals, but on secondary referrals and beyond. Your efforts will be multiplied by the efforts of those you refer. Your business will soon be leveraged into a money making machine when some of their referrals decide to do it as a business, and so on.

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