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how to earn with no selling, no sharing and no investment?
Read this about is it possible to earn with no selling, no sharing and no investment
Lesson one learned from How to Win Friends and Influence People
I got this book, How to Win Friends and Influence People from a senior recently and haven't got enough time to carefully read the book and make it useful. But as i read, i decided to write down the key ideas chapter by chapter, to share it to everyone also as a summary to myself to ensure my understanding on the topic. Perhaps it might help me using the techniques or skills when I interact with others in the future.
As to why do I decide to read the book, i believe that education and life long learning is an important part to my personal growth as well as financial growth. As some people say education is the best investment you can make to yourself. I would think that reading would someday help me, perhaps without noticing it, one's personality changes with reading and exposure to wider knowledge.
In the first chapter of the book, titled "If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive"
Essentially it is about criticism. Do not criticise others while hoping them to be better. In the illustration, the author Dale Carnegie used an example of Lincoln. His general had an golden opportunity to win over the opponents but hesitation caused them to lose the enemies. Lincoln was almost sending out a letter to criticise the general. Doing so would definitely relief his anger but the consequences might be the general will have bad feelings, gets defensive and all. In the end he did not send out the letter and this story goes unknown to many.
Don't criticise, condemn, or complain.
This is the principle number 1 highlighted at the end of chapter one. Criticizing get others into defensive mode and create bad feelings. This chapter suggests that instead of complaining about bad actions, we should complement good actions. Psychologists suggests that complements of good behavior do better at encouraging that behavior. In the future, instead of criticizing bad behaviour, why not try complementing good behavior to encourage it and do the complements publicly to allow others see the good example and follow it.
Top 8 ways of making passive income/investments
Am I too old to start Online network marketing?

What? There are no such thing as too old for something. Online network marketing is an evolving business where it is a learn and earn process.
It is NEVER too late to start off your network marketing business and building your passive income for financial freedom, regardless of who you are and how much knowledge you have about the industry. The only thing you need to get started is YOU WANT TO GET STARTED.
Online marketing itself is a marketing strategy of this new age and network marketing is defined as the Business of the 21st century by famous author of Rich dad Poor dad. You dont have to believe me, but please believe the rich and famous. And when you combine internet marketing and network marketing, you get the evolution of the business model. Online network marketing!
In order to produce results through online network marketing, you no longer need to knock on others' door and sell! The trend has moved towards something we called attraction marketing. You attract your prospects and through some filtering/funnelling mechanism, you will be able to attract quality prospects who are trully interested in your product and from there on, you follow up and close the deal.
Imagine that you are doing it the traditional way, what you need to do is compile a super long list of ALL your friends and family, then call them up one by one and make an appointment, meet up with them and spend 1-2 hours talking to them about your business and products, end up getting 90+% rejection. How does it feel?
In the new business, what you need to do is spend some good effort in building and maintaining some online channels, and you can sleep, eat and do whatever you want at your preferred time, while the internet works for you. You receive emails telling you that 100 people have seen your website and 2 of them are interested and signed up. Then you follow up with these 2 person with a much higher success rate. And the best part? You no longer have to chase after your friends and family and annoy someone.

How you can earn from Network marketing

What is Network marketing

What does it mean to be a fresh graduate?
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The best part—we’re not asking you to join us to ‘sell Vemma’. We want Brand Partners. People that understand the power of networking and building a team of people wanting to make a difference in the lives of the people they care about. Sharing the product with people you encounter is like ‘planting seeds’ that can grow into great relationships and a perfect business that can reward your family like never before.
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It takes about...

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- 19 medium bananas to equal the amount of Riboflavin
- 62 oz of cheddar cheese to equal the amount of Vitamin B-12
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Generating passive income
Why do we want financial freedom?
What is financial freedom?
Insurance saving plans

I recently came across about these saving plans that insurance companies and some banks related assurance company introduced.